Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982

    The Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 is what's commonly known now as the Airport Improvement Program, and a cornerstone for the improvement of aviation around the US. According to the FAA (2021), the program is a way to improve aviation safety, security and address environmental concerns as well as provide assistance to any project that falls under three possible categories, publicly owned, a FAA reliever, or having scheduled service with 2,500 annual enplanements.  

    Among some finer details and requirements or disqualifiers, the whole purpose of the program is to encourage the costly but beneficial features and programs that encompass the runway, its markings, lights, land and environmental studies. If it could be in any way related to the main goal it might be considered for acceptance and help cover some of those costs to gain some peace of mind. With this kind of approach the simultaneous improvement of runways and general flight safety across the U.S. is not only encouraged but possibly even led by the hand to make sure that not only are any and all issues addressed when it concerns excuses for improvement but also attempting to avoid any accidents concerning one of the most crucial pieces of the flight puzzle.    

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Imagine that you're flying overseas on a thirteen hour flight, or going cross country to meet your family and on approach your plane touches down and the runway condition proves to be your worst enemy and you experience a flight accident. Very not cool right? I believe that the encouragement and backing for improving runways and some of the factors affecting them are a cornerstone of safe modern aviation today.  


Editor|, S. J. S. J. T. T. (2015, October 19). The most dangerous airports in the world. Times of India Travel.

Overview: What is AIP? Overview: What is AIP? – Airports. (2021, March 16).
