Aircraft Systems and Flight

The oil system is in charge of not only keeping all of the moving parts in top condition as commonly thought, but aiding in cooling and contaminant management. The most obvious indication of a sub optimal oil system is the pressure gauge, which shows the normal operating range or otherwise of the system as it flows throughout. The temperature gauge shows a similar optimal range, also with a maximum and minimum. Lastly certain aircraft provide a current oil level indication, but others rely on the classic and timeless dipstick to show quantity.

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It is all rather redundant in terms of poor operating indication, a low level might lead to decreased pressure and increased temperature and so forth Other factors that affect indication and proper indication could be blocked or clogged lines, leaks, ambient temperatures that are very hot or very cold or even the gauge itself could be bad (FAA, 2016). When servicing it is crucial to take all factors into account because in this particular case information is everything! Without a properly operating system wear and tear on moving parts is dramatically increased, as well as the possibility that those parts will overheat not only themselves but other nearby components! Regular servicing is a must to ensure proper operation and reliability of affected systems, the triple redundancy of pressure, temperature and levels are paramount for a reliable system that is easy to manage and able to show discrepancies, i.e.. minor leaks and clogs before it becomes a critical issue and a much more difficult one to manage at that.

This post is 258 words in length.


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). (2016). Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (PHAK).Retrieved

Limited, A. (n.d.). Stock Photo - Pilot perform a preflight check on a cessna skyhawk checking the oil with a dipstick. Alamy.
