
Showing posts from July, 2021

Aviation Security

    An unusual threat to aviation security that has been on the rise is mental health and or stress triggers. Allow me to explain, what I'm referring to in particular is cases of passengers that for one reason or another, act to what friends and family might describe as out of character or flat out unthinkable. From attacking crew and passengers, to deliberately opening emergency doors and panic attacks causing chaos; mental health has seemingly crept up and started  to impact not only the general flight experience but safety as well.       Coincidentally, TSA and their various layers of protection also cover some of these aspects like a nice blanket. More specifically; customs, passenger screening, crew vetting, vipr, behavior detection, travel document checker, checkpoint security officers, random employee screening, the air marshals, flight deck officers, trained flight crew, law enforcement officers, and passengers all gave thei...

Aircraft Systems and Flight

The oil system is in charge of not only keeping all of the moving parts in top condition as commonly thought, but aiding in cooling and contaminant management. The most obvious indication of a sub optimal oil system is the pressure gauge, which shows the normal operating range or otherwise of the system as it flows throughout. The temperature gauge shows a similar optimal range, also with a maximum and minimum. Lastly certain aircraft provide a current oil level indication, but others rely on the classic and timeless dipstick to show quantity. Retrieved from It is all rather redundant in terms of poor operating indication, a low level might lead to decreased pressure and increased temperature and so forth Other factors that affect indication and proper indication could be blocked or clogged lines, leaks, ambient temperatures that are very hot or very cold or even the gauge it...

The Operating Environment and Aircraft Performance

A big majority of aircraft accidents actually occur while in taxi, whether from landing or during takeoff and one of the biggest factors in play is the environment, specifically the conditions of the runway. (FAA, 2016.) I'm stationed on Eielson AFB, it's situated in Alaska, so I get firsthand experience on some heavy environmental factors that have a dramatic effect on taxi. Whether its heavy rain, ice or snow, we get it all here at Eielson and even have dedicated people for managing the runways full time! With loss of friction, aircraft have a hard time braking, taxing and are even capable of hydroplaning, a condition where their brakes and control are reduced to near nothing from the lack of friction from riding on the water not the runway, scary. Image retrieved on July 15, 2021 from Thanks to the snow barn (pictured above,) the accumulation of the snow and ice is limited and its effects reduced to provide safe oper...

1.4 Ethics In Aviation

 When thinking about how ethics belongs in the field of aviation, all that comes to mind is the pressure I feel in my own workplace to produce quality work in an expedited manor, the essence of perfection. As an aircraft maintainer I do not mind, all I do is produce and complain, it might sound a little wild, but for the work I am doing it is completely necessary. Similar to civilian maintainers, I am only able to work on what I am certified, trained and confident in while following the most up to date manuals. (eCFR, n.d.) Even though I've received all my training and accumulated experience, lives are directly impacted by my work, especially by mistakes and that pressure never goes away. I believe that ethics comes in the form of understanding and accepting that pressure, and putting all energy and dedication to the job in that moment, aware of your surroundings and focused on your knowledge, ability and limitations. After long hours of hard work it would be easy to be lazy, take ...